The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Working at Minor & Brown.
By an Associate who wishes to remain Anonymous
Let me begin in reverse order.
The Ugly. There are not many firms in America, large or small, where your idiosyncracies and foibles are meticulously documented for use at the annual Christmas party. This is just the case at Minor & Brown where the MB Awards are an annual occurrence and you can expect any missteps during the course of the year to result in a grotesquely contrived trophy, which will, at some point after ponderous and humorous reflection gain a place of honor on your bookshelf.
The Bad. Most people do not have great singing voices. Nor is kazoo playing a natural talent for most. These are just facts of life. This does not stop attorneys and staff at Minor & Brown, however, from gathering periodically to regale each other with the most inauspicious of firm theme songs “Happy Boy” by the Beat Farmers. I would wager that no other law firm in the country has a Managing Partner who willingly gargles at the appropriate portion of their firm’s theme song. I would also wager that very few firms, if any, have a theme song to begin with.
The Good. If you want to come to work with a smile on your face and leave with a smile on your face, this is the place. This cannot be said of many law firms, but Minor & Brown is a fun place to work. The work is challenging, the pace can be furious, but the work is rewarding, the clients are inspiring in their entrepreneurial spirit and laughter is an everyday occurrence in the halls of Minor & Brown. In short, if you don’t have a sense of humor, Minor & Brown is not the place for you.
Annual Christmas Party 2018